Hydroxyl Blaster
October 19, 2020Protexus Electrostatic Backpack Sprayer
October 19, 2020Protexus Electrostatic Gun
This cordless electrostatic sprayer brings 360-degree, touchless disinfection and sanitizing capabilities. The electrostatic charge of the Protexus Sprayer by Evaclean allows the droplets to attract to the surface rather than float in the air, as is typically associated with a mister or fogger. The electrostatic sprayer they can hit up to 3x the surfaces of a traditional method in a fraction of the time. Use it to quickly sanitize basketballs, rackets, and other checkout items between users. In combination with PURTABS, this sanitizing method cannot be beat for speed and effectiveness. Great for sanitizing small rooms or checkout items.
33.8 oz tank
800 sq. ft. coverage per tank
4 hour battery life per charge
1 hour charge time
Nozzle Care Instructions
Recommended Sanitizer: PurTabs
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